The DOMunder Foundation is a private initiative started in 2006 under the name Stichting Domplein 2013 / Domplein Initiatief by Theo M.A van Wijk and Paul Baltus. The foundation develops and exploits the 2000 year heritage of the Cathedral Square through two historical attractions: DOMunder and Lofen Palace.

Mission DOMunder
The DOMunder Foundation commits to work on the Domplein to be an international forum, where 2,000 years of heritage and stories can be experienced and touched and provide current meaning. This offers a diversity of residents and visitors inspiration to work on the challenges for the future.

Based on this mission, the DOMunder Foundation makes the following promise:
The DOMunder foundation makes the (hidden) heritage of 2000 years of Domplein accessible, touchable and experienceable through interactive historical attractions with authentic experiences. DOMunder believes that the heritage of the Domplein can be a platform and inspiration for the dialogue about living together in Utrecht, the Netherlands and beyond.

DOMunder develops and operates historical attractions, tours and projects for and with everyone. Stimulating heritage participation and fascination, as well as working with volunteers, is at the core. The foundation thus creates (new) connections in society and contributes to the maintenance and further development of the rich cultural and heritage offering in Utrecht and the Netherlands. It also encourages the dialogue about ‘where do we come from, where are we now and where are we going?’. The Domplein ultimately becomes a meeting place, where in a continuous dialogue and connection with the past – in the present – the future is shaped.

The foundation strives to ensure that residents and visitors of Utrecht can discover the magical underground world of Domplein, the origin and birthplace of Utrecht, at least once in their lives. The foundation has a compact facilitating team of paid employees and is supported by a large team of 125 volunteers. There is increasing collaboration on the Domplein to make it the meeting place of Utrecht, mainly with Utrecht Marketing (Domtoren) and the Dom Church. The DOMunder office is housed at Domplein 9, together with the employees of the Domtoren, Domplein Group Bookings and the Winkel van Utrecht / VVV, with whom we collaborate intensively.

In addition to the underground historical attractions DOMunder and Lofen Palace, the Domplein Initiative has also realized a number of projects above ground, such as the Castellum Marking and the canvas on the facade of the Dom Church. Since 2016, the name has changed from Initiative Domplein to Stichting DOMunder.


125 volunteer guides
Dorine van de Klashorst, Volunteers & Public
Ilse van Amerongen, Marketing & Public Programming
Tijn Pieren, director
Theo M.A. van Wijk, initiator and advisor


Jaap Zwart, chairman
Hartwig Liersch, treasurer
Patrick Ruijs, member

DOMunder Foundation is an ANBI.

ANBI Publication 2022
ANBI Publication 2021